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Coaching System Workbook
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The iNSIGHT Coaching System

The keystone of a Personal Growth Culture is that people within the organization can rely on one another for the supportive input, feedback or “coaching” to grow new levels of competence. In recent years, “coaching” has become a popular concept within organizations however, very few people really understand what it is, how to go about it or have access to the insights to be an effective coach.

The iNSIGHT Coaching System is a highly personalized, easy to understand tool that anyone, regardless of his or her level of experience, can utilize to coach others and receive the coaching support to grow individually and organizationally.

The iNSIGHT Coaching System is designed to help you:

Gain insight into the factors that make you and others successful… and how these same “success strategies” impede growth.
Strengthen relationships: create collaborative, supportive relationships that improve personal and team performance.
Avoid confrontation: Identify and resolve problem areas… using collaboration, cooperation and support.
Achieve Your Goals: Improve individual and team performance.
Utilize detailed development plans: Help people grow, utilizing neuroplasticity, the latest in cognitive science.
Develop & employ new behaviors: Beyond personal comfort zones, with specific support structures to insure measurable results.